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Old 31-08-16, 07:06 AM   #11
Sid Squid
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Default Re: curvy died and wont start now!

Sounds very much like either fuel starvation or contamination. Drain the carb float bowls, it's not easy to get a container under the carb to collect the fuel such that it might be examined, but if one drops loads and the other very little, it may give an indication of what the fault is. Early SVs are prone to water in the fuel from corroded tank drains, as the years pass the problem gets worse.
There is a fuel pump, it's on the frame rail to the right of the carbs, it rarely gives trouble though so I wouldn't start there. Testing is easy though, it's vacuum operated so does the outlet give regular doses of fuel as you turn the engine over? If yes, it's very probably fine. If no, then blow through the inlet and outlet whilst blocking the other, listen very carefully through a hose connected to the vacuum connection - any hissing and the diaphragm is holed. Rebuild parts are available aftermarket if needed, Suzuki don't supply them.
If an SV650 has a flat tyre in the forest and no-one is there to blow it up, how long will it be 'til someone posts that the reg/rec is duff and the world will end unless a CBR unit is fitted? A little bit of knowledge = a dangerous thing.

"a deathless anthem of nuclear-strength romantic angst"
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Old 31-08-16, 07:58 PM   #12
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Default Re: curvy died and wont start now!

Cheers Sid. I checked the fuel pump and it was giving doses of fuel as I turned it over. I have checked the pump and there doesn't seem to be a problem with the drain. no bubbles that I could tell in the fuel when blowing down the drain. I have also taken the tank off and nothing came out of the drain when it was swished about, which if the drain was rusted I would have expected a little fuel aleast?

I have the carbs off and there was little difference in the amount drained from either float bowls that I could tell, although I hadn't seen this post at the time so was more interested in emptying them before I spilled fuel everywhere. lol

At the moment I can't seem to undo many of the screws, they are rater tight and am more likely to round them off than undo them I think.
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Old 31-08-16, 09:01 PM   #13
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Default Re: curvy died and wont start now!

Originally Posted by gibbzy2k1 View Post
At the moment I can't seem to undo many of the screws, they are rater tight and am more likely to round them off than undo them I think.
Be careful as they're not Phillips screws - they JIS which looks very similar. I spent a fair sum of money buying the right screwdriver bits before taking them apart.

Just as I was congratulating myself for getting the right tools, the last one was seized. I ended up having to drill it (just enough to loosen the head) and replaced the lot with hex-head bolts from Halfords.
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Old 01-09-16, 08:30 PM   #14
Sid Squid
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Default Re: curvy died and wont start now!

Check the tank drain isn't blocked, if it is rainwater collects in the filler well and drops into the tank when you open the cap.
If an SV650 has a flat tyre in the forest and no-one is there to blow it up, how long will it be 'til someone posts that the reg/rec is duff and the world will end unless a CBR unit is fitted? A little bit of knowledge = a dangerous thing.

"a deathless anthem of nuclear-strength romantic angst"
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