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Old 31-07-10, 05:06 PM   #41
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Default Re: Doing the rideout?

Originally Posted by robh539 View Post

As it seem a couple of you i know and trust may be at the back, awesome.
Space available
Ill be somewhere near the back no doubts, just chillin and taking in the amazing scenery, if i wanted a fast ride i wouldnt do it saturday.

Still think its gonna be worth it though, cant wait
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Old 31-07-10, 05:49 PM   #42
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Default Re: Doing the rideout?

Oooft, that was alooooot of reading, I can't answer each bit cos it'd take a while so I will answer some key points (and some not so key points).

If you think any of my comments are abrupt I can honestly say there is no malice or ill feeling behind them, just remember, I'm a northern monkey and stringing one coherent sentance together is quite hard work for me let alone all the below.

I love you all

Originally Posted by timwilky View Post
I ain't a fast rider, but I do like a loon when the opportunity arises. I therefore see no reason why dedicated meet up points should not be identified and then it is upto the individual, do they want to play follow my leader or perhaps have a more spirited ride and a longer rest period at the meet points etc. and first dabs at the grub

OK I know I am the voice of dissent on this. I think it a valid argument, but the AR becomes personal fiefdoms to some and everybody must conform.
I see your point mate but to be honest it's not going to happen, pretty much all the comments seem to be aimed at health and saftey, and if people start going off on their own we have no way of being sure everything is ok, you can guarantee if one person shoots off, several will follow, and then some more and then more again, we would have a couple of break off groups from the main ride and what happens if we get to a stop and they are not there? How long do we stay at that stop to ensure they can join again, and also if we didn't stay at the stop until these people turned up then you can also guarantee there would be uproar and people worrying about them and probably not concentrating on their own riding.

Originally Posted by the_lone_wolf View Post
Riding with 200 others is no different from riding with 30 others

You'll only ever see up to 20 in front of you and maybe 5 behind unless you're on a really long straight

But it's more interesting when you can fill a small supermarket car park when you stop...
Well said my boy

Originally Posted by hongman View Post
Sorry if this sounds a bit noobish.

How does the rideout actually work?

I know we well have someone leading, and someone right at the end - but what are the jobs of the markers?
Exactly dude, there is a leader at the front (Me) and a TEC (Tail End Charlie) at the back (Bellerophon) you DO NOT overtake the leader and the the TEC will not overtake you, if you are at the roadside and see the TEC (we an the markers will be very visible with brightly coloured bibs on) wave them down to let them know you are in our group. The TEC will not be able to know every one who is in our group.

The markers will start off behind the leader and as we get to a junction/turning the first marker behind the leader will pull over WHERE IT IS SAFE TO DO SO and point people in the direction to take. They will stay there until the TEC appears, the TEC will wave the marker to move on and will not overtake the marker as the TEC should ALWAYS be the person at the back.

Originally Posted by Bear View Post
The AR is always a big ride out and I've marked the last 3.
  • Ride at your own pace,
  • Give each other and the markers plenty of room,
  • Don't worry about the route as the markers are there to make sure you don't get lost
  • You probably won't be the slowest rider there, and even if you are it really doesn't matter due to the way the marker system is organised.
Most of all have fun!

There's very little to be worried about as far as I can see!
Well said Big J

Originally Posted by jambo View Post
Please don't fuss about being at the back if you're worried you'll be slow. It simply doesn't work like that. At the front the pace is actually slightly more consistent as people get less of an accordien effect going on. But it's entirely down to you. The people at the front will NOT be going bat-out-of-hell fast anyway unless they want the group hideously spread out.

The ride is not a precession. Please don't overtake the markers, but you aren't expected to sit in single-file. A little common sense goes a long way, if you start buzzing people and being a twit purely for your own gratification you'll upset people and get a dressing down to boot

While the AR is a big ride, it's traditionally been organised very well and people have had no problems getting where we're going, at a pace they're happy with

Very well put, and he is right, I will be leading a very legal rideout, the further back you are the more spaced out the group gets due to traffic and lights and junctions and stuff, do not concern yourself where you are in the group or how fast you are going, it should be no different to riding at anytime if you are aware of your surrounding as you should be if you are riding a bike/driving a car. Use your mirrors, check your blind spots remember it 'Mirror, Signal, Manouvre' for a reason, (and indicate BEFORE you move, not AS you move, we are not BMW drivers )

Originally Posted by kwak zzr View Post
Never met you BEAR but you seem to have gained a reputation lol

For a good reason, I have only ever had one other mans tongue in my mouth and it was BEAR's

Originally Posted by Red Herring View Post
The problem with having dedicated "markers" is that ......

Personally I'm a big fan of the drop off system....

It's not my place to be dictating how you guys are going to run this but with 150-200 potential bikers to look after you're going to have your work cut out.....
To be honest mate that very same conversation was had in the organising of this AR, and in the organising of AR08 and I can only presuming in the organising for all the others.

Pro's and cons to all different ways of doing things and we chose the method where the benefits most outweigh the risks.

This is my fourth AR and to be honest mate this is one of the conversations which comes up every year, if you organise a big rideout as a drop off system you get the same conversation but with people saying "I don't like the sound of this drop off system, what happens if I end up behind the leader but I don't want to mark the junction?" "I am a new rider, not ridded in groups before what happens if I end up a couple of bikes behind the leader mbecause I don't want to mark but none of the people ahead of me mark, do I HAVE to mark"

Originally Posted by caz650s View Post
Hi Red herring,

I know where your coming from ,

But the peeps organizing this AR know the drop off system inside out & we have been using it for years on our 'normal' rideouts all over the country.

I don't know if you have attended an AR before ... but there is no way you can start dividing riders up into seperate groups .

The system being used this year has worked perfectly over the last few AR's and there is no way it will change for this one !

If You do not like the idea of riding in a 'prossesion' with your fellow orgers .. which after all is what it is all about ... You may be better of going for a blast on your own at a pace that suits you ??
Pretty much sums it up

Originally Posted by Red Herring View Post
Fair point, but there have been several people, me included, asking just how it will be done and all we have received back is a "don't worry, the markers will take care of everything".
I hope that got answered above

Originally Posted by Red Herring View Post
My understanding from reading previous threads is that you hadn't had this many involved then so I was just trying to be helpful. My apologies if it wasn't welcome.
Not at all mate, if people don't bring these things up then they cannot be addressed. This thread is far from unwelcomed and I hope that by starting this a few people have had some worried addressed.

Peace out
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Old 31-07-10, 05:52 PM   #43
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Default Re: Doing the rideout?

Just to add to what Cheryl has said, we have enough markers to cover all junctions on each leg. All we ask is that people just enjoy the ride. Most markers will therefore be taking their to get to the front, mainly to help out when we get to stops etc.

All junctions are marked, even straight on islands.

The problem with splitting up groups is that so and so wants to ride with so and so and it becomes a pain organising who goes where. Plus, it spreads the ride out shed loads. So at stops etc you are waiting for ages. Its worked for all previous AR's so we are comfortable it will work again.

Like Cheryl said, ask questions and will happily answer them.
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Old 31-07-10, 05:55 PM   #44
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Default Re: Doing the rideout?

Well said Mr Stretchie man.
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Old 31-07-10, 08:10 PM   #45
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Default Re: Doing the rideout?

The intention in starting the thread, was to dicuss the thoughts of individuals about riding in such a big group, potentially at cllose quarters with riders that you do not know. The thread wasn't intended to question the organisation, or the meriits of the marker system. I personally have no qualms about the marker system in use, so long as the markers have thier head screwed on when it comes to making thier way forwards through the pack te system is pretty foolproof. I will be movin to the left to let markers through at a safe opportunity, but thats dwn to individual rider choice, and what you feel is a good opportunity may not be in the markers eyes, so if they don't come through I'll just move back to my normal position.
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Old 31-07-10, 09:08 PM   #46
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Default Re: Doing the rideout?

Originally Posted by -Ralph- View Post
The intention in starting the thread, was to dicuss the thoughts of individuals about riding in such a big group, potentially at cllose quarters with riders that you do not know. The thread wasn't intended to question the organisation, or the meriits of the marker system. I personally have no qualms about the marker system in use, so long as the markers have thier head screwed on when it comes to making thier way forwards through the pack te system is pretty foolproof. I will be movin to the left to let markers through at a safe opportunity, but thats dwn to individual rider choice, and what you feel is a good opportunity may not be in the markers eyes, so if they don't come through I'll just move back to my normal position.
Well said there Ralph, I could did think about starting a new thread, but a week away and given the fact that all will be explained in the pre ride briefing, thought it unecessary.

To address your point above......if people feel happy to move out of the way for markers, by all means do so and no, we may not always go, even if you think it is safe for us...we'll still be grateful for the thought though.

However...and this is important, so I'll put it in writing...

The markers are all riders that are prepared for the job in hand, all markers are responsible for passing other riders when they deem it is safe to do so. It is not necessary for any rider to feel that they must find room to move across to allow the markers through....they'll sort themselves out.

And to reiterate.....ask us any questions you want, start a thread, PM, we don;t care or mind, we'd rather you ask and bring things up so that, as Stretchie said, we can know about it and address it
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Old 31-07-10, 09:44 PM   #47
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Default Re: Doing the rideout?

What happens, god forbid, if a bike breaks down mid ride?
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Old 31-07-10, 10:11 PM   #48
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Default Re: Doing the rideout?

Originally Posted by hongman View Post
What happens, god forbid, if a curvy breaks down mid ride?

Fixed for you mate, Hongman i think peeps will stop and help to fix or arrange recovery if can't be fixed at the roadside.
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Old 31-07-10, 10:14 PM   #49
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Default Re: Doing the rideout?

Im sure peeps would stop to help, but then that would/could possibly lead to a group breaking off as they are trying to fix/diagnose.

For those who know me a bit already, Im not worrying about it - just curious as to if there is an official "plan" to handle something like this
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Old 31-07-10, 10:23 PM   #50
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Default Re: Doing the rideout?

Originally Posted by hongman View Post
just curious as to if there is an official "plan" to handle something like this
No there isnt normally. It would be down to you to ensure that

1. Your bike is in a fit state to complete the journey to the AR the rideout and the journey home.

2. You have some way of getting home i.e. recovery or breakdown etc etc

I'm confident that you would get all the help and asisstance to get you going and mobile again. Such is the way of the org nobody would leave you stranded, but there are somethings that you cant just fix at the side of the road. But IMHO the rideout wouldnt stop completely just because one person had had a breakdown. Yes one or two people would stop and you'd defo get help, but it'd be down to you at the end of the day.

As said in another thread, its not the job of the TEC or markers to carry tools, spares etc etc to get you going again if you have a breakdown. So you need to be prepared and self sufficent.

Look Dave, I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over.

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Last edited by fizzwheel; 31-07-10 at 10:24 PM.
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