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Old 31-03-18, 07:30 PM   #41
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Default Re: London not to include motorcycle in it's traffic congestion strategy

Everyone would be better off if we simply paid attention to what we were doing and tried to consider others.
I have noticed a decreasing empathy toward ALL other road users. A lot of people think their journey is more important than anyone else, and their convenience above others and that each foot of road is a competition. This will only get worse if congestion levels increase.
Which brings us back to the OP, which is that PTW are a solution to congestion, the more there are, the happier we'll all be!
Thought I was in a bad mood, but it's been 30 years now, so I suppose it's just who I am.
05 SV650s now with proper suspension, hurrah!
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Old 01-04-18, 08:09 AM   #42
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Default Re: London not to include motorcycle in it's traffic congestion strategy

Originally Posted by Toooldtodie View Post
Everyone would be better off if we simply paid attention to what we were doing and tried to consider others.
I have noticed a decreasing empathy toward ALL other road users. A lot of people think their journey is more important than anyone else, and their convenience above others and that each foot of road is a competition. This will only get worse if congestion levels increase.
Which brings us back to the OP, which is that PTW are a solution to congestion, the more there are, the happier we'll all be!
We could probably make a good start on improving road tolerance and safety by banning German made cars on UK roads, my dashcam has ample footage of their misdemeanors

I was sitting on a local Tesco carpark the other day for a long time waiting for her indoors to complete her shopping and got interested in people who did not return their trolley to the proper trolley park (there was one only 25 metres away) - owners of German cars (including pseudo British Mini) and Volvo (sample of only 2 Volvo to be fair) did not seem inclined to take a short walk and park trolley properly, their time is obviously much more valuable than other peoples. Don't know why they don't have the trolleys that need a pound coin to release them like most other supermarkets as that seems to keep carpark clear of abandoned trolleys.

There - I managed to mention Germans without mentioning their infamous WW2 leader ( although I did mention the war ).
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Last edited by SV650rules; 01-04-18 at 08:11 AM.
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Old 01-04-18, 10:49 AM   #43
Red Herring
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Default Re: London not to include motorcycle in it's traffic congestion strategy

Originally Posted by SV650rules View Post
We could probably make a good start on improving road tolerance and safety by banning German made cars on UK roads, my dashcam has ample footage of their misdemeanors

I was sitting on a local Tesco carpark the other day for a long time waiting for her indoors to complete her shopping.......
Tolerance is all about embracing the behaviour of others, not seeking to change it so instead of banning German cars learn instead to anticipate and avoid the behaviour that appears to cause you so much distress. I generally avoid stereotypes, we all have our reasons for doing things. I mean, just because I wouldn't dream of leaving my wife to struggle round the shops on her own doesn't make you a lazy sexist pig does it?
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Old 01-04-18, 11:16 AM   #44
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Default Re: London not to include motorcycle in it's traffic congestion strategy

I hate to see my wife struggling with the housework, so I go to the pub.
(Boom, boom, old ones are the best)
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Old 01-04-18, 07:14 PM   #45
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Default Re: London not to include motorcycle in it's traffic congestion strategy

Originally Posted by Red Herring View Post
Tolerance is all about embracing the behaviour of others, not seeking to change it so instead of banning German cars learn instead to anticipate and avoid the behaviour that appears to cause you so much distress. I generally avoid stereotypes, we all have our reasons for doing things. I mean, just because I wouldn't dream of leaving my wife to struggle round the shops on her own doesn't make you a lazy sexist pig does it?
No because 90% of the time I do the shopping.

Anticipating behaviour is no substitute for that behaviour not happening in the first place, I was not put on this earth to accommodate behaviour of criminal drivers, like a BMW approaching me on my side of the road at high speed and making no attempt to brake and go back in behind the HGV they are dangerously overtaking, but willing to put me off the road because of their ego and sense of entitlement. Next time it happens I will give dashcan footage to police in heartbeat.
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Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear - Mark Twain

Last edited by SV650rules; 01-04-18 at 07:17 PM.
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Old 01-04-18, 09:18 PM   #46
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Default Re: London not to include motorcycle in it's traffic congestion strategy

Originally Posted by SV650rules View Post
No because 90% of the time I do the shopping.
So I was right when I said it didn't make you a lazy sexist pig then wasn't I? It also shows how dodgy it is to form an opinion about someone based on a single event. I rest my case Sir. Tolerant, that's what I am......
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Old 01-04-18, 11:24 PM   #47
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I think we should ban German cars as Brexit votes say Britain First.
Raisin cookies that look like chocolate chip cookies are the reason I have trust issues.
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Old 02-04-18, 09:21 AM   #48
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Default Re: London not to include motorcycle in it's traffic congestion strategy

Reading this thread drift you would have to be pretty dim not to detect a dislike from some individuals towards drivers of certain brands of cars, such a dislike that they are proposing (even in jest) that action be taken against them as a whole.

Now imagine you are the mayor of London and all you are told and see in the press is that motorcyclists are this lawless brigade intent on wreaking havoc across your city....... We all know that those responsible for this image make up a very small proportion of riders, but just like the BMW drivers we have to suffer the consequences.

I didn't learn much in my working life, but one thing I did manage to pick up on, especially in the circles I moved in towards the end of my career, was that a lot of decisions get made in unbelievable ignorance, or indifference, to the consequences of them.
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Old 02-04-18, 10:39 AM   #49
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Default Re: London not to include motorcycle in it's traffic congestion strategy

Originally Posted by Red Herring View Post
So I was right when I said it didn't make you a lazy sexist pig then wasn't I? It also shows how dodgy it is to form an opinion about someone based on a single event. I rest my case Sir. Tolerant, that's what I am......

You made a sweeping decision based on one episode, I have had a lifetime of driving and riding watching German car drivers do stupid, arrogant and dangerous things (in many countries as well). There is a point when so called tolerance and virtue signalling becomes stupidity.

Originally Posted by NTECUK View Post
I think we should ban German cars as Brexit votes say Britain First.

European industry is keen to strike good deals, it's those stupid bonehead politicians who are standing in the way.

Originally Posted by Red Herring View Post
Now imagine you are the mayor of London and all you are told and see in the press is that motorcyclists are this lawless brigade intent on wreaking havoc across your city........
Old Sadiq has more than motorbikes to worry about, under his watch(and that ineffective woman commissioner of the Met) London has just become the murder capital of the world.
2016 SV650 AL7

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Last edited by SV650rules; 02-04-18 at 10:58 AM.
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Old 02-04-18, 12:13 PM   #50
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Default Re: London not to include motorcycle in it's traffic congestion strategy

Originally Posted by Red Herring View Post

I didn't learn much in my working life, but one thing I did manage to pick up on, especially in the circles I moved in towards the end of my career, was that a lot of decisions get made in unbelievable ignorance, or indifference, to the consequences of them.
True...most decisions/laws are brought in to curb the minorities but affect the majority.
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