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Old 28-10-06, 09:14 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by hovi5
why do they come to this country if they are not willing to abide by our customs....BECAUSE THEY CAN.
Can I suggest since you support this idea of clearing off if you dont like the rules or culture of a place that you duly do so, ie clear off since your views are as unwelcome here to some of us as radical muslims are to the Howard government. :P
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Old 28-10-06, 09:15 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by lynw
Originally Posted by husky03
Oz puts its own people first,time we done the same .
No it doesnt, it puts its own white people first not all of the people. And its a bit hypocritical for a non-indigenous government to expect people coming to the country to adhere to ITS laws and customs, yet it itself couldnt do so for the aborigines and adhere to theirs. Hypocrisy of the highest order.

But I guess all of you too eager to jump on the muslim bashing bandwagon dont want to see the realities and want to ignore the inconvenient truth. That the Australian government arent prepared to do what theyre asking the modern worlds scapegoats to do.

And Ive lived in Canberra for 18 months and seen exactly what its like. There is a first and second class in that country and its perfectly ok if youre white. Probably why so many on here think its great - because if they went theyd be ok, they wouldnt be discriminated against or encounter the hostility that is prevalent between the white better off class and the mainly non white worse off class. And because theyd be ok thats just fine to ignore the hypocrisy.

Sorry but you cant expect people to follow your rules when you yourself cant follow the exact same rules - and we're not talking about what happened hundreds of years ago. Im talking about discriminatory and racist policies which the Howard government are running NOW.

Thats not to say I dont understand why this was said - I do. But the Howard government is in knee jerk mode and doesnt really distinguish between the radicals and less radical muslims. Its a perfect example of a society like ours - where simply being a muslim is becoming a crime even if youre not a radical. THATS what I have a problem with when this muslim bashing bandwagon gets hauled out each time.
Point taken, but you've got to agree, it's getting stupid in this country now with the Political Correctness garbage. Like the furore over the teaching assistant. The original complaint was that the children couldn't understand what she was saying due to the Hijab - she was asked to remove it and then it turned into "Muslim bashing". It's a place of education, and one of the fundamental requirements is that pupils can hear and understand the tutors. Religion is irrelevant.

If I sent that to the local council, I'd probably be arrested for inciting racism. This is what we're sick of. At the end of the day, it's the council's fault for setting up these stupid "multiculturalism" policies which just cause more trouble than they prevent. If they just buggered off, stopped interfering and let people get on with it, it'd be a million times better.
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Old 28-10-06, 09:27 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by mpaton2006

Like the furore over the teaching assistant. The original complaint was that the children couldn't understand what she was saying due to the Hijab - she was asked to remove it and then it turned into "Muslim bashing".
That's actually not true. The facts of this one have been totally lost in the furor, and no wonder- clerics want a figurehead for their campaigns, the press wants a headline... I don't even think she wants the truth out there now, she seemed to become more hardline the longer it went on. Neither side really wants debate on the facts, which (as originally reported by her, and by the school) were that she refused to remove the veil when an adult male was present. The original complaint was made by a teacher who hadn't consulted with kids- he raised his own concerns. At the time, no children had ever said there was a problem.

Not saying she was right- as far as I'm concerned, if you want to wear the hijab that's fine, but you should avoid jobs where it'll be a problem. You don't get many hardcore buddhists taking jobs in slaughterhouses then refusing to handle dead animals and crying discrimination. It just bothers me how flexible the truth's been in this one. All sides are at it, it's ridiculous.
"We are the angry mob,
we read the papers every day
We like what we like, we hate what we hate
But we're oh so easily swayed"
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Old 28-10-06, 09:41 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by mpaton2006
This is what we're sick of. At the end of the day, it's the council's fault for setting up these stupid "multiculturalism" policies which just cause more trouble than they prevent. If they just buggered off, stopped interfering and let people get on with it, it'd be a million times better.
Well said.

And it's not just political correctness either - it's the government themselves that are doing the majority of the demonising of the islamic faith.
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Old 28-10-06, 09:56 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by lynw
Originally Posted by husky03
Oz puts its own people first,time we done the same .
No it doesnt, it puts its own white people first not all of the people. And its a bit hypocritical for a non-indigenous government to expect people coming to the country to adhere to ITS laws and customs, yet it itself couldnt do so for the aborigines and adhere to theirs. Hypocrisy of the highest order....

And Ive lived in Canberra for 18 months and seen exactly what its like. There is a first and second class in that country and its perfectly ok if youre white. Probably why so many on here think its great - because if they went theyd be ok, they wouldnt be discriminated against or encounter the hostility that is prevalent between the white better off class and the mainly non white worse off class....
Now Lynn - Although I dont agree with Costellos comments or the way it is portrayed above I think it proper to comment on your points above regarding class - plus I dont want to jump on the above bandwagon.

I think Australia has to be one of the most tolerant multi-cultural societies I have experienced. If you had visited other areas outside of Canberra you would've noticed Australia is also made up of a lot of non-whites including Asians, Polynesians and Europeans who are all proud Australians.

Like all societies there are the stereotypical racial boundaries that separate people but in no way would I say Australia is made up of a First and Second class society with whites being better off than non-whites.

The majority of Australian's couldnt give a toss about class (no offence to any classy aussies about - ive still yet to meet any ) or the color of another persons skin. Your average aussie would happily take the mick out of their mates looks regardless of whether they were abo's, asians, or lebs... - but it would be a big call to say it was hostile and prevalent. I would describe it as friendly banter.

Regarding the Aboriginal problem - I would boldly suggest was an inheritance from the colonial days and the policies developed by the British Government which they have been trying to patch up since
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Old 28-10-06, 10:08 PM   #16
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Sorry took me so long to get back -match of the day is on so need to prioritise.

Can of worms
Welcome people who are willing to live by our laws and respect the traditions of our british way of life,but if not- don't stay here,don't take our tax payers money for dole ,housing etc.

Oz is taking a stand against people who they see as a threat to the law abiding majority -simple as that.
Expected the "your racist/bnp sh*t£"because if a british person even thinks about speaking up about this kind of situation its not allowed.
For the record my family were immigrants to this country years ago,and took on the british way of life etc-I serve this country and will welcome any person who wants to live here aslong as they are law abiding and are willing to respect the beliefs/traditions of the british way of life that has been so attractive to them in the first place.

This is a biking forum yes but this topic was posted in the idle banter section-not biking talk!

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Old 28-10-06, 10:18 PM   #17
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people are afriad to speak there mind,as the minute you say anything you are branded a racist as lywn proved & i know its a motorbike forum, but theres a few post going on about cats have you told them???thats why idle banter was started so you can talk about non bike issues.

i belive that if peeps want to come to this counrty they should abide by our ways,or they will be lost forever,they should learn our languge
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Old 28-10-06, 10:29 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by hovi5
i belive that if peeps want to come to this counrty they should abide by our ways,or they will be lost forever,they should learn our languge
"our ways" are the fusion of multiple immigrations to this country over many thousands of years. In fact the Celts themselves were new to this country when Caesar invaded but because he branded them indigenous theres a folklore they are native to this group of Islands when theyre not.

There is NO such thing as a pure English or British. Most things we take for granted as "british" or "english" are pretty much if you go back to their origins derived from the mix of immigrants bringing their culture to this Island and not giving it up. Our country would be the poorer for doing what you want. Immigrants have been the back bone of this country. Without immigrants we would be poorer not just in culture but financially. There would be no Tescos, no Triumph, no Bank of England, no currency called the pound... I could carry on. But the essence is stark - "our" culture has developed from the mixing of so many.

"Our" language is a fusion of Latin, Germanic and Gallic languages. There is no such thing as "pure" English. English is a mongrel language, as much as the English are a mongrel nation.

Funny how you appear to know so little about the things you want to "protect" or see immigrants as a threat to when its immigrants that will bring new blood to it and instigate needed change. If a culture stagnates then ultimately it will fail, or rip itself apart in civil war as factions for change fight for needed change while factions resist. History teaches us that from Caesar through to the fall of the Soviet Union.
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Old 28-10-06, 10:40 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by lynw
Originally Posted by hovi5
i belive that if peeps want to come to this counrty they should abide by our ways,or they will be lost forever,they should learn our languge
"our ways" are the fusion of multiple immigrations to this country over many thousands of years. In fact the Celts themselves were new to this country when Caesar invaded but because he branded them indigenous theres a folklore they are native to this group of Islands when theyre not.

There is NO such thing as a pure English or British. Most things we take for granted as "british" or "english" are pretty much if you go back to their origins derived from the mix of immigrants bringing their culture to this Island and not giving it up. Our country would be the poorer for doing what you want. Immigrants have been the back bone of this country. Without immigrants we would be poorer not just in culture but financially. There would be no Tescos, no Triumph, no Bank of England, no currency called the pound... I could carry on. But the essence is stark - "our" culture has developed from the mixing of so many.

"Our" language is a fusion of Latin, Germanic and Gallic languages. There is no such thing as "pure" English. English is a mongrel language, as much as the English are a mongrel nation.

Funny how you appear to know so little about the things you want to "protect" or see immigrants as a threat to when its immigrants that will bring new blood to it and instigate needed change. If a culture stanates then ultimately it will fail, or rip itself apart in civil war as factions for change fight for needed change while factions resist. End of the day, Cultures change and always will and to fight it is futile. The best you can do is try and change it for the better.

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Old 28-10-06, 10:43 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by hovi5
Originally Posted by lynw
Originally Posted by hovi5
i belive that if peeps want to come to this counrty they should abide by our ways,or they will be lost forever,they should learn our languge
"lots of stuff.

I'm sorry lynw, but I quite like hovi5' respone here!! I can't help but smile
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