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Old 05-11-07, 12:21 PM   #121
Posts: n/a
Default Re: The running thread!

Nice one Ed ... I'm impressed.

I did my one and only triathlon a few years ago, all the training I did for it put me off exercise for a long while .... so I admire anyone who can keep their drive even after a tough one!
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Old 05-11-07, 12:34 PM   #122
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Default Re: The running thread!

Originally Posted by Ed View Post
Does anyone on this thread do Chi Running? I went to a talk and a demo on the subject when I was in Washington. I'm sold on it. Uses T'ai Chi moves - v v powerful stuff.


See my post in this other thread for a list of links.

To recap, there's a quite a few different 'systems' of running that are similar. Basically mid-foot striking, high turnover. I've looked at the literature & DVDs for quite a few, but not for chi running so I can't comment there. Out of the ones I've looked at, Ken Mierke's Evolution Running was the best.

The one thing that put me off the Chi running, was this pseudo mystical Tai Chi stuff. When the actual effective bio-mechanics is described by other people without all the Woo.
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Old 05-11-07, 12:39 PM   #123
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Default Re: The running thread!

I ran a 1/2 marathon last spring - during the training I started (again) to suffer from the "runners knee". I've now changed the sneakers a couple of times and use special shoe soles that correct my stepping but with limited success... Last time it got so bad that walking was a real pain for a week after the run. That is one thing that has prevented me of even seriously considering of running longer distances.

I now found some streching exercises that seem to help somewhat and also I'm starting to get used to the pain... Maybe I should just try to get more muscle to the legs.
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Old 05-11-07, 12:50 PM   #124
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Default Re: The running thread!

Well done Ed, never actually done a full marathon, but did a few half marathons in the eighties, Reading, Cumnock and horncastle I think,plus a load of ten milers etc. I think you,ve done really well mate
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Old 05-11-07, 12:59 PM   #125
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Default Re: The running thread!

Originally Posted by Kyytsis View Post
I ran a 1/2 marathon last spring - during the training I started (again) to suffer from the "runners knee".

I now found some streching exercises that seem to help somewhat and also I'm starting to get used to the pain... Maybe I should just try to get more muscle to the legs.
Can you describe the symptoms? I think I may have developed this after changing my shoes............

It hurts to walk but I can run ok, but then I stop and it hurts like hell.
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Old 05-11-07, 01:33 PM   #126
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Default Re: The running thread!

Thanks Mac!
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Old 06-11-07, 12:21 PM   #127
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Default Re: The running thread!

Originally Posted by krhall View Post
Can you describe the symptoms? I think I may have developed this after changing my shoes............

It hurts to walk but I can run ok, but then I stop and it hurts like hell.
Hi Krhall,
Sure - the reason is that the ends of the muscle run on the outside of the knee get friction while running which eventually (after some miles) irritate the ligaments so that they get "infected".

A spoke to a doctor about that, and he said that a good way to deal with is to take some painkillers that also relief the infection. Burana 1200mg etc should help.. Just that I don't eat painkillers normally so my stomach dislikes the treatment.

But symptons are a "cutting" pain on the outside of the knee while. Worst when going down stairs etc..
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Old 06-11-07, 01:31 PM   #128
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Default Re: The running thread!

Originally Posted by Kyytsis View Post
Hi Krhall,
Sure - the reason is that the ends of the muscle run on the outside of the knee get friction while running which eventually (after some miles) irritate the ligaments so that they get "infected".

A spoke to a doctor about that, and he said that a good way to deal with is to take some painkillers that also relief the infection. Burana 1200mg etc should help.. Just that I don't eat painkillers normally so my stomach dislikes the treatment.

But symptons are a "cutting" pain on the outside of the knee while. Worst when going down stairs etc..
I've just had exactly this for the last week! Felt it a little when I ran last Monday but thought it might just be the cold or something, ran again on the Wednesday and it hurt a little to begin with and got better, but then the next day it was killing me, especially whilst walking down stairs. So I've been resting for the last week and I still feel it a bit now on occasion
Doing my head in, I suppose I should recover fully before risking aggravating it again, and if it comes back I need to look at why.
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Old 06-11-07, 01:51 PM   #129
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Default Re: The running thread!

I think that mine might have been caused by my recent change of shoes? Although they are really comfortable they do not offer quite as much stability from over-pronation as my other shoes which I have been using.

Mine does not hurt when sitting down only when walking, isn't any worse going down stairs either. I have tried rest (well as much as you can working full time and two young kids) ice and elevation. I have also been using ibuprofen all to no avail.
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Old 06-11-07, 01:53 PM   #130
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Default Re: The running thread!

After not running for years I managed 10 mins on Friday, 15 mins on saturday, 20 mins yesterday. This training this is easy I'll try 25 tonight.
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