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Old 06-04-17, 09:32 PM   #344
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Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: East Yorkshire
Posts: 801
Default Re: Trackday project K3

So at last we were back out racing!

Qualifying went ok and I managed a mid pack start of the 17 or so rookie minitwins.

First race was damp and so I used my local knowledge and maybe some experience of dry tyres on damp tarmac to good use. After a a good start and fending of a challenge, I managed a 3rd place finish!

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I peaked early it seems!

Race 2 was dry but I was still winding up the times and some who held back in the wet were now making up for it and so I managed 8th.

Sunday was good tho, improved my times into the 1m48s and managed two 6th place finishes.

The first of which should've been a fifth, but well the video will explain
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Overall a mega weekend, the unexpected trophy and meeting up with the Faith Fueled Team was a recipe for smiles all round!

Can't wait to go again but sadly I will be waiting a while, as without sponsorship I will only be back out in August at Oulton.

Pics from the event:


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Bikes: Minitwin SV650 '04. Click me!
SV650 (Now Nekked!) '04. Pictures here!
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