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Old 08-09-06, 01:21 PM   #11
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Obviously not all BMW drivers are w@nkers.

However, in my experience as well, a BMW driver is the most likely one to be a t@sser of all vehicle types.

Maybe not statisically accurate, but definately my feeling and obviously that of many others.

I dont have the same feeling with Mercs or Jags, so it must be something to do with a significant minority of the type of person who buys/drives a BMW.

Maybe not a fact of life, but clearly an opinion based on the experience of many bikers.....
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Old 08-09-06, 01:44 PM   #12
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Stereoytypical :P

Well, I'm not really that bothered by BMWs, for me its all sorts; Volvos, farmer's pickup trucks (usually with a barking dog and a bale of hay in the back), Land Rovers towing caravans, Volvos towing caravans, lorries, taxies, etc. But the worst by far is the 16 yr old **** on his scooter ripping around the town with tracksuit and his helmet undone.

Of course, I ride a yellow motorbike with the headlights on so I probably dazzle and p*ss off all the ladies doing their make-up in the mirrors of their Ford Focus anyway.

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Old 08-09-06, 01:53 PM   #13
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aren't there loads of stereotypes for each type of car though? the white van man, the repmobile on the motorway, the young chav in his F reg nova, the older chav with his civic...

and of course other ones already mentioned in this thread, e.g. scooter kid, school run mum, taxis, etc etc.

i don't think crap drivers in bmw's are any more prevalent than in any other car (not for me, in london, anyway)

p.s. i owned only bmw's from jun 99 - jan 05 so i may be a bit biased
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Old 08-09-06, 02:01 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by simple simon
I am unsure why the tenet is a popularly held belief.
Because its true. Alot of BMW drivers are ********s, and as a BMW driver it's a stigma you're stuck with I'm afraid.
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Old 08-09-06, 03:59 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by muffles
aren't there loads of stereotypes for each type of car though? the white van man, the repmobile on the motorway, the young chav in his F reg nova, the older chav with his civic...

and of course other ones already mentioned in this thread, e.g. scooter kid, school run mum, taxis, etc etc.

i don't think crap drivers in bmw's are any more prevalent than in any other car (not for me, in london, anyway)

p.s. i owned only bmw's from jun 99 - jan 05 so i may be a bit biased
But stereotypes are generally based on what the majority of that group actually demonstrate as behaviour to people. If this group of drivers didnt as a majority demonstrate the behaviour people wouldnt associate BMW drivers/Merc drivers/school run mums etc with the bad driving theyre associated with.

We all know there are exceptions to this - but the behaviour only becomes associated to this degree when its been demonstrated sufficiently to people to generally be ****ed off with the driving by these groups of people.

For me it varies where I am. Mercs are the weapon of choice down the A13. Other places its BMWs [motorways particularly]. Ashford during the week about 8.30am and 3.30 pm its 4x4s and school run mums. But the stereotypes still have a basis in truth :P
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Old 08-09-06, 05:29 PM   #16
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Before I bought my SV I was a club cyclist riding 200 miles a week in all weathers and for many years we as a club had been amazed at the antics of said BMW drivers - get cut up and what do you know its a BMW, spot a BMW ahead or behind and be prepared to take avoiding action.

You notice these things more on a pushbike as you are much more vulnerable to being knocked off by inconsiderate driving.

I didn't realise that other roaduser groups were aware of the phenomenon until I read your forum, we'd come to that conclusion entirely independently, so weren't influenced by the media stereotyping stigma thing.

Obviously not all BMW drivers are bad but there is definitely a higher proportion of bad (aggressive) drivers in that group, by the way the bike club secretary had a BMW.
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Old 08-09-06, 05:36 PM   #17
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Default Re: BMW cars............

Originally Posted by simple simon
This is an unusual rant........ in defence of BMW drivers and owners.

My wifes' car is a BMW 325Ci Coupe. My company car at the moment is a 330i Sport Saloon and changes almost weekly for, you see, I am employed by BMW.
I have worked in the car industry for years, for BMW (and briefly Audi) and love what I do.
I enjoy bikes, cars, karts - anything with an engine really, and would like, just once, to use this forum to state publicly to several people, that not all BMW drivers are idiots.
In fact, most are bloody nice people, just like you or I and (GASP) most are good, couteous drivers.
Yes, there are those who are nutters, rude, ignorant, chaotic, occasionally nasty and repugnant. But, this is true of all walks of life, is seen in all models of car and even the case (intollerable to some) of many a biker.
So please, those who rant on about BMW's take a moment to reflect on the time you were cut up by a battered Micra, abused by a kid scooter or had an off moment yourself and angered another road user by your actions and then stop spouting a load of bull.
Blandly spouting that all BMW owners are w*nkers is like the stereotypical mutterings that the SV 'is a girls bike'. Utter nonsense really that is due to lack of understanding, lack of experience or more sinister form of ignorance.

Now, the onslaught of the above begin shortly I am sure, but at last I have said my piece.

Cheers, Si

You just get paid too much!!!!

And BMW drivers seem to be the most likely to want to race me off the lights....
.... Could be an Essex thing
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Old 08-09-06, 05:46 PM   #18
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Simon, you're quite right. After 3 years in and around London I can say with honesty there is no one brand of car driven worse than any other. If anything, it's the age and value of the car which is the pertinent factor.
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Old 08-09-06, 06:18 PM   #19
simple simon
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Originally Posted by Flamin_Squirrel
Originally Posted by simple simon
I am unsure why the tenet is a popularly held belief.
Because its true. Alot of BMW drivers are ********s, and as a BMW driver it's a stigma you're stuck with I'm afraid.

OMG - I expected a barage of negatives, and in the main that is what I got but to be branded as an ******** by association is the best yet, many thanks Flamin, many thanks.
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Old 08-09-06, 06:33 PM   #20
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I'm wandering if that some of us expect a BMW to drive poorly and that therefore because of this when we come across a BMW on the road we expect the driver to something moronic. So we observe minutely every aspect of the drivers behaviour and perhaps maybe are over critical. When he or she makes a small tiny mistake we say "Aha you drive like a pratt etc etc" because they fulfill the stereotype that we have of BMW drivers.

Whereas the same small mistake by a driver of say a Ford Mondeo we'd be more likely to shrug off and ignore.

Maybe I feel like this because I'd quite like to own a BMW. I'd like an M5, I'd debadge it and drive around and nobody would be the wiser for what it was. Nice
Look Dave, I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over.

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